The experience of social interaction of students in vocational education and pedagogy is underestimated and is more often considered as a biographical fact, or a passive body of knowledge, skills and abilities. Its source functions, conditions and means of integration and development of the social, human in a person are not taken into account and are not used in social training and education of a future specialist. The main barrier in the study of this experience is the limitless variety of its real elements which requires a system-integrative methodology for its description and structuring. A systemic, three-level methodology for the study of complex objects is the key to building a systemic model of experience based on its functions, structure and content which makes it possible to design its modes of operation and development. The methods of the system-dialectical approach, which give essential representations of the experience under study, are not applicable at the level of describing its system-forming factors (functions, structure, content). At this methodological level of analysis, a functional-matrix approach was chosen which makes it possible to describe the content of the elements of experience based on the functional-structural relations of the structure using the matrices of its structural components. This allowed building matrices of thought-activity, value-semantic, expressive-regulatory components in the study of the problem of enriching the experience of social interaction of a future specialist in humanities.
matrix, functional matrix approach, system integrity, system parameters, experience, interaction.