a number of modern historians include raids for prey as a phenomenon of the economy of mountaineers of the North Caucasus of the 18th – mid-19th centuries. The author of this article based on the testimony of European observers of the XVIII century, shows various aspects of the mountaineers’ economy, i. e. agriculture, cattle-breeding, barter, handicrafts, etc., which were the basis of the life support of the mountaineer peoples. Along with these sectors of the economy there was a raid "craft" and the trade of slaves and prisoners. They were not primary in the field of economic activities of mountaineers but often played an important role in their rather extensive economy. The culmination of raids, based, as shown by the author, on long-standing traditions, fell on the period of the “Caucasian War” of 1817-1864, which gave these actions religious sanction.
European authors of the 18th century, agriculture, cattle-breeding, barter, home industry, handicrafts, export, import, raids, raid system, slaves, sale of prisoners, slave markets.