(2018) Issue № 1

Volume 1 (2018). Issue № 1

The problem of the subject of historical cognition: philosophical analysis

Baklanov I.S., Baklanova O.A.


The article deals with the historical knowledge; the subject of study is the subject of the historical knowledge in the philosophical aspect. The philosophical analysis of the research activity of the subject of historical knowledge, made within the framework of historical epistemology, appears as an attempt to reconsideration of the phenomenon of subjectivity in general and as a search for a way out of the dead ends of subjectivism. The subject of cognition in its quest for the historical knowledge in this research projection is understood as an integrative, the resultant vector in which sociocultural and historical circumstances and determinants are intertwined. The special role of language and also literary receptions and means which become instruments of interpretation of the historical events is shown. In this situation linguistic acts and the use of various metaphors are built into the cognitive activity of the historian. The special methodological importance within a historical epistemology is received by the procedure of "imploytment" based on assembly of the historical events in the narration with subject lines; therefore, there is a process of "designing" of the past.


historical cognition, historical epistemology, subject of historical cognition, the linguistic turn in philosophy, society, intersubjectivity.

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The ancient settlements "Kozma" and "Kozma-1" near the village Michurinskaya of the Uspensky region of Krasnodar krai

Basov I.I., Berezin S.Y., Gritskih I.V.


The members of the Archaeological Research Center of Armavir State Pedagogical University are conducting archaeological research to identify and protect the cultural heritage sites located in Krasnodar Krai. Two previously unexplored research objects were recently found out: the ancient settlements "Kozma" and "Kozma-1" situated near Michurinsky village of the Uspensky district of Krasnodar Krai. The monuments date approximately from the III-II centuries BC to VI century AD They represent easily identifiable ancient settlement located on the banks of the Bolshaya Kozma River near Michurinsky village of Krasnodar Krai.


archaeological exploration, settlement, the Big Kozma river, protection of cultural heritage.

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«The Brothers Karamazov»: Dostoyevsky's three formulas (to the issue of forming a personality in Russian classical literature)

Bezrukov A.A., Pavlov Y.M.


Dostoevsky’s novel “The Brothers Karamazov” is fairly estimated by literary critics as the final, topmost work of the classic of Russian literature. The authors set the task of considering the idea of Christian suffering love as the basis for the writer's artistic solution of the problem of forming a personality, which is seems extremely urgent for the modern changing world.


Christianity, humanism, a living life, suffering, the human person, the meaning of life formula, Russian classical literature.

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Actual problems of the development of higher education in modern socio-cultural conditions

Vetrov Y.P., Kravchenko А.G.


the article presents the results of the study of actual problems of the higher education development in modern socio-cultural conditions, identifies and justifies the main global trends in the pragmatization of education, defines the role of mass use of information and communication technologies and electronic educational resources.


model of education, culture, information culture, post-industrial education, internationalization

and pragmatization of education, self-identification, socio-cultural conditions.

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Phraseological means of expressing the gradational relations in the structure of the sentence and text

Gorina I.I., Bebikhova I.Y.


The article is devoted to the problem of grading in the Russian language, which is a measure of the degree, quality and the intensity of action, implemented by lexico-grammatical and phraseological means.


gradation, gradational relations, idiom-graduator, semantic relationship, communicative act, pragmatic effect.

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Some toughts on "witch-hunting" in Western Europe

in the early new time

Dudarev S.L.


The article is devoted to the widely known phenomenon in scientific historiography of witch-hunting. The author considers this problem on the basis of the analysis of the recently defended candidate's thesis by N.V. Filatova, devoted to the study of this phenomenon on the materials of Scotland in the second half of the 16th – the first third of the 18th century. We have shown that Filatova's work is a valuable contribution to this topic, which broadens our understanding of the phenomenon of European witchcraft and its persecution through the example of its Scottish version. At the same time, certain shortcomings and unused opportunities in the study have been identified, which do not reduce the overall assessment of the work.


witch-hunting, Calvinism, Scottish Protestantism, puritans, covenant, witchcraft, disciplinization.

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Organizational-pedagogical peculiarities of new educational models in transition to the digital economy

Igropulo Irina Fiodorovna


The transition to the digital economy raises new challenges for the education system. It is necessary to understand the new competencies required in the digital economy and the technologies for their formation. A new generation of students is called digital natives, and new approaches are needed to work with them, emphasizing the students' independence and responsibility. Among new educational models flexible learning, blended learning, on-line learning, flipped learningand on-line training are highlighted. These models enable to move from teacher-centered training to active teaching students on the basis of individual educational trajectories. The introduction of new educational models determines studying their organizational and pedagogical peculiarities and developing a system of training teachers for their active use on the basis of studying the experience of the best universities and its adaptation to specific characteristics.


digital economy, new educational models, flexible learning, blended learning, on-line learning, flipped learning.

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Globalization, globalism and social justice in sport

Ismailov N.O.


The article explores the issues of social justice in relations between nations and states. It considers globalization, globalism and geopolitics in the light of the concept of justice and their impact on sport.


justice, geopolitics, globalization, globalism.

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The change of M.O. Menshikov’s signatures under articles «Nedelya» and «Knizhki “Nedeli”»

Krizhanovsky N.I.


The article touches upon the problem of using various pseudonyms by a pubicist M.O. Menshikov when printing his materials in the newspaper «Nedelya» and the literary magazine «Knizhki “Nedeli”». The author for the first time unites all the information about pseudonyms and signatures of M.O. Menshikov in these publications, specifies the characteristics of their use.


M.O. Menshikov, pseudonyms, signatures, the newspaper «Nedelya», the magazine «Knizhki “Nedeli”».

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The phenomenon of transgression: metamorphoses of the person in the conditions of the Caucasian frontier

Ktitorova O.V., Vertikova A.A.


The article reveals the personal aspect of the development of the social environment in the conditions of the frontier of the North Caucasus. It is shown that the transformation of consciousness experienced by individual participants in the frontier dialogue is reduced to a transgressive experience. The source of a radical change in the personality involved in ethno-cultural interaction is the experience of comprehending and accepting another, both in the sociocultural and personal perspectives.


frontier, transgression, ethnic identity, acculturation, intercultural dialogue, socio-cultural integration.

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The role of cooperation in the social development of rural areas

of the North Caucasus in the 1920s

Panarin A.A.


In the article the role of cooperation in the development of the rural areas social sphere in the North Caucasus under the conditions of the culmination of new economic policy which has come in the 1920s is considered. The influence of positive changes in the structure of cooperation on strengthening attention of the cooperative organizations to the social character issues is analyzed. The measures of consumer societies and agricultural associations for the increase in the education level of employees, distribution of cooperative knowledge, training of the population in skills of cooperative activity are considered. Various directions of cultural and educational work of cooperation in rural areas are considered; examples of the events aimed at the promotion of the cooperation advanced achievements, the increase in the level of general culture of Cossacks and peasants are provided. An assessment to the results of cooperation in the social sphere is given; the increase in its role in economic and public life of rural areas of the North Caucasus is emphasized.


cooperation, social development, cultural and educational work, rural areas, North Caucasus.

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The conceptualization of the phenomenon of the autonomous legal consciousness

Pokhilko A.D., Glechyan E.R.


The authors propose a new methodological approach to the study of human personality in its legal aspect. The basis of this approach is the phenomenological hermeneutics, which allows combining the descriptions of the essential side of legal individuality and their dynamic conceptualization on the basis of complementarity principle of mutually exclusive conceptual schemes. In the conceptualization of the phenomenon of autonomy of legal being-consciousness, the concepts of self-determination, self-transcen-dence and self-creation of personality in culture are involved; while individual legal existence is considered in close relationship with the individual legal consciousness and the value dimension of culture, in the context of which it is constituted as uniqueness. Dialog is an expression of the process of phenomenological self-disclosure of the autonomy of individuality in the measurement of legal consciousness. In modern Russian society, a new form of cultural dialogism is needed to achieve a harmonious combination of individual and collective principles.


phenomenon, law, legal consciousness, autonomy, conceptualization, individuality, individual and personal rights.

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Reinforced concrete guard posts in khutor Krasnaya polyana - unknown participants of the defense of Armavir in august 1942

Priymak Y.V., Karapkova O.G., Kuryan A.M.


The article examines the history of the creation of a defense line near Armavir (Krasnaya Polyana) and its role in the fighting in the Middle Kuban in August 1942. The line of defense was a chain of reinforced concrete guard posts (ZBOT), trenches and anti-tank ditch. The article shows a map-layout of reinforced concrete guard posts with the sectors of fire, the coordinates of the fortifications, taking into account the peg to the terrain. In addition, illustrations and photographic materials are used, showing the structural elements of reinforced concrete guard posts and the current state of the surviving artillery points.


The Great Patriotic War, the defense of the North Caucasus, Armavir, semi-caponier, anti-tank ditch, reinforced concrete guard posts, fortification.

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The film music philosophy in the context of postmodern culture

and its influence on the modern person

Rudenko A.M.


In the article the philosophical basics of film music in the context of postmodern culture are considered; the essence and the main factors of influence of film music on the formation of the person are revealed. The author claims that, having exquisite refinement of the elite phenomena, the relative simplicity and evident efficiency of contents, the developed dramaturgic beginning, sincerity and a specific melodics of traditional musical forms, film music possesses huge potential and the real force of influence on the person. The article justifies the idea that film music, especially Western music, convincingly personifies the most characteristic lines of an epoch-making tendency of modern culture – its postmodern character.


music, film music, postmodern, motion picture art, identity of the musician.

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The axiological system of poetic discourse

Cherkasova I.P.


The article is devoted to the study of poetic discourse. Discourse is considered as an axiological system having a certain functional perspective. A language is social in its nature, so the conceptual part of linguistic is connected with socio-cultural factors, the ways of viewing and understanding of objects. The author comes to the conclusion that the semantics of the concept can determine the peculiarities of functioning of poetic discourse. The practical value of the paper consists of the application of the results of the investigation in the course of stylistics, text interpretation, discourse theory, theory and practice of translation.


discourse, text, poetry, axiology, image, fiction, concept.

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Creative language personality: factors of formation and structure

Chetverikova O.V.


The article develops the teaching of Yu.N. Karaulov about the language personality. The artist of the word is regarded as a creative linguistic person who manifests himself in artistic communication and is the bearer of artistic consciousness, reflecting and reproducing reality through a system of images that have an aesthetic significance and are the result of artistic cognition. The factors conditioning the formation of a creative language personality are systematized.


creative linguistic personality, creativity, semantic sphere, artistic text, cognitive image of the situation, signs of language.

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